baby bennett is nine months old!! we were at jared's parents for thanksgiving on his nine month birthday, so i havent done his photo shoot yet, i'll do that tomorrow :)
bennett was sick for the first time a couple weeks ago... he had little bugs here and there in the past, but nothing like this. i consider this the first time he was sick, sick.. and he was 8 1/2 months old. i am just thankful he wasnt 8 1/2 weeks old when he got this nasty stuff. he had a runny nose, turned ear infection, turned croup, turned double ear infection... yuck! thank GOD that i have my mom to help me out or i would have been off work for at least a week. what a saint she is. his poor little ear was so infected that he had to get rocephin shots. that was awful. the nurse said that they hurt really bad, and from my experience, when a nurse says that, it must be true. anyway, he started to feel better after countless late nights, antibiotics, steamy bathrooms, warm baths and cups of chicken noodle soup. all the things that mommies (and mimi's) are for.
thankful that the sickness has passed, we have decided to not take him back to his school this year. he was going on tues/thurs and my mom has him (and cousin ollie) the other days. we made the decision that mom will keep him 5 days a week until we are off work for Christmas. luckily, i am off for 2 1/2 weeks so it will be here before we know it... {which reminds me of all of the things i need to do in that short amount of time}.
we had the best thanksgiving. we got to spend time with both of our families and lots of time with our baby bear. we have a lot to be thankful for this year. items making the top of my list: a healthy and happy baby boy, a husband that i love more than ever, a wonderful family, great friends, a new home, good jobs and a successful business. i think that this is way more than i could ever ask for and i thank the Lord above for every one of those things. life is sweet!
SO... at nine months, here is what our angel has been up to:
--- he is sleeping better, still in his crib in our room... the family bedroom, if you will ;)
--- he is eating like a piglet. i shop for him at the health food store and usually offer a meat, carb, fruit and veggie for each meal (other than bfast, where he has yogurt and cereal). and lately, at dinner, he just eats whatever i fix for jar and i.... he loves spaghetti, green beans, lasagna, chicken dishes, etc. he has surprised us at what a good eater he has become!
--- he is wearing some 12-18 month clothes. which makes me terribly sad. size 4 dipey. he weighs 20 1/2 pounds now.
--- he says 'momma' 'bye bye' and 'ball' still working on daddy... which i find funny considering how he prefers his daddy 100 times to my 1. correction: jared just said he thinks his 'bye bye' is actually him saying 'da da', so we will go with that. ;)
--- he stands by himself and cruises around furniture. he took his first step on his nine month bday! i can tell he wants to let go and take off, but doesnt quite have the confidence yet.
--- he still likes to play ball, give kisses, belly laugh when tickled, yell like a little indian, play peek a boo, and his new favorite, tug at the Christmas tree and laugh hysterically.
--- he plays well with his cousin and they are the best of friends. you can tell that ollie is used to playing with big brother and not much phases him... bennett needs to be around his big cousin more to stay tough!
in other news, we are just preparing for christmas by decorating, shopping and listening to christmas carols. i cannot wait for bennett's first christmas!!!!!!! makes me so excited and totally changes the feeling of christmas for me. we want him to know the true meaning of christmas and we explain the nativity set to him that sits on our hearth. he just laughs and tries to put baby Jesus in his mouth. doesnt hurt to try though :)
i will post pics of him in his nine month onesie soon!
we hope that you all had a very blessed thanksgiving!
Hayden had to have a rocephin shot a few months ago when he had a double ear infection. The nurses also said that hurt very bad. Judging by his reaction to the shot, it seemed very painful! Good luck with your little man! He really is adorable!
Such good pictures! They all need to stop growing right now! It's going by too fast!
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