he's thinking that this is the biggest bath tub he's ever seen!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
summer weekend
he's thinking that this is the biggest bath tub he's ever seen!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
4 months.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
dolce vita
our new home!
news on bennett this week:
-he is getting so big!! i was at michelles earlier this week and used her baby scale and he weighs over 15 pounds!! what?!? tear.
-he starting totally rolling over on his own. he was able to do it last week while pushing off of something, but now its all him. his daddy has been working with him and they are equally excited about the new trick ;) mommy was not so excited when the first night he starting rolling over in his bed and then screaming to get put back on his back. but thankfully that only lasted a night
-he got a bunch of new clothes and toys this week. i found some tiny toms that are so cute! i cant wait for him to wear them. i also found him an adorable white linen bubble for the beach. i told jar that if he doesnt behave then i will make us all dress in white linen and go take pictures on the beach... maybe even khaki shorts if he's lucky ;)
we celebrated jared's first fathers day last weekend. we got him some stuff for his playstation (yes, he is 30), a new shirt and some towels for his work out room. he is the hardest person to buy for, so it was a huge success since he didnt take anything back! we made tacos and had dinner with the fam so that we could see my daddy too! lots of men to celebrate in our lives! we are blessed with great daddies all around.
we had a cookout last weekend and lined up all the babies that were here. they are all so cute together and will be the best of friends! little ava is the only girl... bennett had his eye on her and was excited that he got to lay by her in the lineup!
we are all moved in and somewhat finished getting everything unpacked/settled. i am still waiting on a bunch of custom frames and some chairs, etc but for the most part, we are situated! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i never thought the day would come! we are on cruise control with the business, moved into our dream home and bennett is doing wonderful (and sleeping through the night!!!).
life is sweet :)
Monday, June 13, 2011
my little man
aunties come to visit!!
i love you bennett bear. i am the luckiest lady in the world to be your momma.
we had a great weekend around here. all of my best friends from college came to town. brita is an opthamology resident in LR, anna works in an infant room, spears is a speech pathologist and works with little ones, steph is an accountant, and effie is a fabulous teacher. safe to say, they are all good with babies :) it was so good to see them and catch up. i miss them so much but when we are together (as cliche as it sounds), it feels like no time has passed and we just pick up right up where we left off. it reminds me of one of the last episodes of SATC.. the part where carrie is having lunch with the girls before she goes to paris and says... "today I had a thought, what if I had never met you?"that part gets me every time... because i think that thought about these friends all of the time. i am who i am because of each one of them.... undoubtedly a better friend, daughter, sister, wife, and now mother because of those lovely ladies. i cant imagine if i had never met them. i am not letting the next year go by without going on a fabulous trip with all of them... even though we are all crazy busy, we are going to set a time to go away for a few days. i want us all to go to vegas, but if you know how wild we all can be (hence, if you knew us in college), im scared it would be similar to the hangover...part 1. :) maybe somewhere a little more low key would be better ;)
so glad they were able to come see us over the weekend and i am already looking forward to the next time we are all together!
have a great week!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
3 months
all of bennetts 'aunties' are coming to town this weekend. he cant wait to get all cleaned up and flirt with all of them.. he loves a pretty girl. we hope that everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Friday, June 10, 2011
bennett was baptized on may 7. it was a perfect day. we had a small get together at my mom and dad's with some family and friends before his baptism. he was such an angel during the entire ceremony and it was a special day for all. my sister, jess and my brother in law, mark, are bennetts godparents... he is one blessed little boy. two weeks later, jared and i were fortunate enough to become oliver's godparents. some of the pics are mixed in, but i need to get more from ollie's baptism. they both wore the same gown, the one that charlie, my dad, my uncles and my grandfather were all baptized in... how cool is that?!