Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Louie all snuggled up :)
This ice storm has been crazy!! We had power all day yesterday and as soon as I dozed off to sleep last night about 11:30, it went off. I called the power company to report it and she said "it has been declared a state of disaster and could be a week before it comes back on." So... we said a prayer and got a bunch of blankets and snuggled up! Throughout the night it would flicker on and off and on and off for what seemed like a million times. Every time it came on, things would beep in the house and wake us up. About 3:30 I woke up to Jared bringing more blankets in the room. He was like "are you ok? I am freezing!!!" Then he covered Louie and I up with about 22 more blankets. :) We were fine and the power came back on this morning. YAY!
Jared and I got out earlier today to check on our rental properties, we were afraid they may have been damaged by the storm. They are all ok except for a fence in the backyard (the fence in the pic above). Luckily, there isn't any structural damage...  just a bunch of limbs down and a big mess! After we checked them out, he drove me around for an hour or so to take pictures of all the ice and the damage. He kept saying "ooo get a picture of that" and "take one of all this." I ended up with 109 pictures that pretty much all look the same. He is so cute about me with my camera, he thinks all the pictures I take are so good :) It really is such a mess out there, there is a lot of work that has to be done. We saw an elderly man standing in his yard just staring at all the branches down (there had to be a thousand). He was in such disbelief and had a small hand saw in his hand. I don't think that will quite cut it.. literally :) Poor old man, I felt bad for him!
I hope everyone is staying safe and warm!! What a lovely couple of days it has been!


Mary Margaret said...

UGH! I'm so jealous you have power! I'm at a friend's house right now writing this, but I haven't had power since 4:30 yesterday. And I just read that you said it could be a week before it gets turned on! OMG! Terrible!!!!!

Taylor said...

you got some great pictures.. it really is a disaster zone out there. At least you all are warm and safe! Our power is finally back on, but I think we don't have it at the shop still. So... staying home for me! Oh well! Tell your mom thanks again for helping with Stella... she finally ate for the first time in 3 days! love ya!